Having an energetic team on board requires companies’ regulation and identification of settings to enforce. This application is to ensure the management of the office and the expectations runs fluently without affecting the operations. MVA believes the policy sets out to aid the company and employee benefits and produce better result in the end.
Climate change, energy shifts, and technological advancements are reshaping the construction landscape. MVA recognizes these challenges and translates them into customized solutions. We don’t just build structures; we build dreams, aspirations, and sustainable communities.
Our point on the employee Benefits & Compensation, Code of Conduct, Disciplinary Act, Equal Opportunity, Ethics, Security and Workplace Health & Safety has proven to lead to idealistic implementation and practice. By having this, company operation flow running at optimum rate and provides the assurance in the organization structure to undertake development assignment or task to realization level. The management ensure all the regulations and policy complies to the Cambodia Law and provide the best working environment to the employee as comfortable as possible. We see this factor plays vital role in human and company development as well as to the effect come after.